Nicholas Waschezyn :: video+online+print

Employee Development Portal

NVIDIA wants to step up its game when it comes to offering employees great educational and development resources. They asked for all the bells and whistles: single page app, responsive design, html5, cms integration, and a nice clean design. I'm art directing this project, and providing input during the documentation process before the project gets shipped off to India for development. Here's what we've got going so far.

Blue Coat::
Mobile Security Webinar

Fun with the Vimeo API and CSS3! this was a pretty quick-turn project: about a day to design and put it all together. There was a practical functional goal with this: make a wrapper for the 42-minute webinar on mobile security. This page features a live table of contents that shows you what chapter of the video you're watching, and allows you to click to the section you wish to watch.

The code for this was like a Cuban Cigar: all hand-rolled. Well, if you don't count good ol' jQuery or the Vimeo API.

Infographic Illustration Style for LSI

This set of concept illustrations was done for an early stage online presentation for LSI and thsir data storage acceleration technologies. The style they were looking for was minimal, bright, and clear.

Smartphone Security

Responsive: it's so hot right now. Responsive.

This whole site was designed and coded to work on pretty much every smartphone out there. From the zippy-zipper to the tabs and the video. I am a fan of Android but it was very frustrating having to test all those handsets and deal with their quirks. But...that's in the past now.

Manufacturing, Mobile Video

The banner on the left, aimed at the manufactuing industry, features a manufacturing robot animation that I made and instanced six or seven times because robots are fun! The mobile video banners turned out pretty nicely as well: short, sweet, and the animation plays pretty smoothly.

The Unifying Moment

This microsite was built to showcase Polycom's unified communications technologies. It featured a whole slew of videos we produced,and a ton of whitepapers.

This is noteworthy for me because of the coding that went into it: the first project I wrote my own jQuery plugin for (the whitepaper offer carousel). it works well, no bugs!

VMWorld 2011 Post Event Follow-Up

VMWare follows-up their annual VMWorld event with some simple, but effective, direct marketing every year. There was nothing innovative about this campaign, but I like it: simple and clean, with interesting imagery.


This simple tool, developed in Flash, is designed to demonstrate how quickly suppliers can be on-boarded into E2OPEN's supply chain management service.

I like this one for it's little touches: the mouse-hover instructions, simple interface, and line graph animations (I wrote the easing method for the line graph animation myself).

Home page banner

Trilliant makes products to support Smart Power grids. The scope of their influence on Smart Grids goes from very small, at the home level, to very very large, like the state or country level. This banner was comissioned to give an introduction to what they are all about.


As part of their Momentus Laptop Drive launch, Seagate comissioned these banners. With a design that doesn't leap off the screen on it's own I felt this banner needed some extra help attracting attention. I applied a subtle programmatic endless animation to the Seagate circle graphic element which shuffles it through randomly generated unique compositions. The motion may catch someone's eye, and even if it doesn't they might find it interesting that every time they look at the apparently static banner it looks slightly different.

The Why of Where

Quova is the leader in IP based geolocation. This banner campaign explores some of the uses for this technology, and leads into a microsite which delves deeper into the Why of Where.

Citrix ::
TDM Concept

This was a concept banner I designed and animated for Citrix late last year. They ended up utilizing some different creative, but I'm still pretty proud of how this one turned out.

I especially liked trying out the IK bone animation feature of Flash CS4.

(click the image to see the banner)

Easton Hockey:: product viewer

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Easton Hockey has over 90 products showcased on their recently redesigned web site. To help elevate the brand to a premium status it was decided that each product page should show an enlarged version of the product and show the technologies used in making it. But it would be labor intensive to create 90+ flash movies with the zoom capability, and it would make it harder to add new products to boot.

To fit their needs I wrote a flash program that takes data passed from their content management system and loads the unique image and information for each product. This means they only had to deploy one flash movie, and the content management system (already in place to manage all the other site data) could be relied on to handle the rest.

This custom flash program differentiates between different product types to adjust the layout of buttons, and is localized in English and in French.

Peninsula Ventures ::

A collaborative effort myself, Three AM, and Wonderful yeilded this site concept and design for Peninsula Ventures.

This has been the most technically challenging site for me to date, as sections of it rely heavily on content stored in a database. This all Flash site has an all html version embedded in the code enabling search engines to index the content and link into specific sections of the site, while also providing content for mobile browsers. Content is managed using a custom content management system I coded from scratch using Flex 3, PHP,and MySQL.

Daniella Woolf :: (2008)

A new site showcasing the encaustic art of Daniella Woolf. This was a collaboration with Carol Charney.

This site is an attempt to really take advantage of what the web is good for. It is nearly entirely dynamically created at run time. All images load at runtime, and all menu text and copy are pulled from an xml file. For the backgrounds and artworks sections the site simply pulls in sequentially numbered image files, allowing Daniella the ability to easily add or remove any image from this entirely Flash based site.

Bell Helmets ::*

This site was designed for Bell's mass market motorcycle helmet division. They sell their products at mass market retailers such as Wal-Mart and Kragen Auto Parts, competing against much younger brands.

The design and photography emphasize the relationship of the helmet to the road or track. The only thing missing is you.

I led design and development on this site.

2007 Gold Addy Award Winner, Silicon Valley AAF

I Dream of Cake ::*

In this site, the cakes take the cake. The focus is on bringing wonderful photos of Shinmin Li's amazing cakes to the forefront of this elegant web site.

Guthy-Renker LLC::*

GRC asked for a fresh design for their corporate web site which would help bring some focus to their methods and mission.

P.S. Leeza Gibbons is a pro.

Pavlina Eccless::

Pavlina's work is atmospheric and always sends me into interesting reveries and little imagination trips. Her method of creating her prints degrades their resolution. Combined with the sepia tint, her photos give me the feeling of deja vu, like vaguely remembered moments from my past implanted in my brain.

She wanted to go extremely simple with her site, and I agreed. The subtle qualities of her work demand center stage. This site has no flash, no fancy transitions, no mood music, just her works.



*This site hasbeen changed or taken down since this entry was made. I'm trying to get ahold of some screenshots.


